Thursday, June 25, 2009

The thoughts that are going through my mind as of now...

I have no idea how long has it been since I last posted...but hey,I'm back,so lets get moving.

The issue of the day is,EMOTION.To all you guys who think you really know me but don't really know me at all,you might think that I'm just this rich brat living an uneventful life,with no worries and all.That's why you don't know me.Only a fair few knows what is going through my mind.Those who have the same life experience as me,they know what it feels like really being ALONE,not the made up shit some people think their going through.NO!I'm alone in this world...say all you want.I have a family which is not mine,I have a dad that does not want to have anything to do with me,and the rest...Ah!THE REST!

Do you know anyone who is never sincere to you unless they want something from you.I feel like that whenever I'm with the very woman that raise me up...not my mom,my grandma.It's frustrating living a life where no one is really sincere to you...a life where you put your all for others and all you get back are rejections after rejections.

No one really know 'this' me.No one ever cared to listen to my desperate attempt for attention.

To be honest.I'm not the ones who whine about little problems in their lives.I'm not saying names but,it pisses me seeing that 'he' has a life that I craved for,and yet,he does not know how to appreciate it.

Every day I go through feels like a year...A long long year.My heart,filled with anger and frustration,drowns in its own tears.Screams of help heard by no one.

What a life.